Anna Morkeski: Looking to reduce government
Anna Morkeski has seen the drawbacks of collusion between the public and private sectors.
Morkeski, 27, R-Damariscotta, said her hope to return control to the local level and limit government's size is why she's seeking the Maine State Representative for District 90, which encompasses the towns of Damariscotta, Bristol, Newcastle, South Bristol and Monhegan.
For Morkeski, the draw of being involved with public office stems from the wish to further separate large corporations from government.
She said she was working as an entomologist studying colony collapse disorder when she learned that the Environmental Protection Agency had sided with a pharmaceutical company to get a pesticide approved.
“They concluded that it wouldn't be harmful to bees, and that was somewhat contradictory (to her research),” she said. “Not long after that the biotech company was bought out by Monsanto.”
Seeing corporations being able to step in convinced Morkeski that she had to step in herself, and seek a spot as a state representative.
Morkeski said she would also focus on restoring and maintaining individual rights, while trying to limit government's intrusion.
“I hope to reduce the size and scope of government; I think that's essential for addressing the problems (Maine) is facing,” she said. “If we want good jobs and good wages, we need to reduce the size of government and return to local control.”
Morkeski said that by reducing the size of government, it would reduce the amount of taxes needed. She said her plan was to boost control to the local and state level, to ensure taxpayer money stays local, and arrives at its intended destination.
“I want the rights guaranteed to us to be restored,” she said. “That means local control over education, lower taxes and energy rates, and restoring personal liberties and privacy.”
One of the problems that has gone under the radar is eminent domain, and the government's ability to seize land, Morkeski said.
“My intention would be to return control to the local level, and end collusion between big corporations and the government,” she said.
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