letter to the editor

Another Reagan reset

Mon, 07/01/2024 - 4:15pm

Dear Editor:

Last Thursday the American voter watching the presidential debate learned what the Democratic politicians, the press, the rich and connected, and the rest of the world, especially our enemies, have known for years, that our President is failing mentally. Until Thursday he was protected by an army of special interests.  Now, it is permissible to tell the truth. Biden’s job has been to simply act as a figurehead and carry out the orders of an entrenched deep state and appointed officials and to lead a de-facto Obama fourth term. Many of the people that came to Washington during the Obama administration never left. They became a part of a shadow government that undermined the Trump presidency. Obama recognized them in his September 2022 address at his portrait unveiling at the White house saying “I'm especially glad to see so many of you serving President Biden as well as you served me although, let's face it, you were kids back then and now you are in charge and running the show which is a little shocking. It may also explain some of the gray hairs that I’m seeing on some of you, but it validates what I had always hoped, which was that our time together would only be the beginning of incredibly impactful careers.”  

Some polls show that over 70% feel that our country is going in the wrong direction and presumably want that to change. If Biden or another Democrat is elected this Fall it will be the same shadow government pulling the strings and business as usual for the next four years. The American Dream is out of reach for many. They are simply surviving day to day, worried about crime, drugs, and food and shelter. The first three years of the Trump Presidency looked like a “Reagan Reset,” pull up the data and look. We need to give that reset another chance. That will not happen unless we vote for a change this November.

Joe Grant
