Arbor Day demo includes walk and talk
Two experts on trees will be at Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens on National Arbor Day, Friday, April 26, to demonstrate tried-and-true techniques for tree-planting success and teach participants how they can achieve success in their own landscapes. The program, which begins at 1 p.m. in the Bosarge Family Education Center, will also include a guided walk to see the various trees at the Gardens and learn about how and where they were planted.
This workshop is free for CMBG members and $15 for non-members. The first 25 people to register will take home a small paper-birch seedling to plant in their own landscape.
Instructors are Tim Lindsay of Bartlett Tree Experts, president of the Maine Arborist Association, which is co-sponsoring the workshop, and Kyle Rosenberg, also of the Association. Assisting during the walk will be the Gardens’ Director of Horticulture, Rodney Eason. Questions will be encouraged throughout the program and walk. Much of what Lindsay will teach the group is based on extensive ongoing research conducted in Bartlett’s North Carolina research lab and on his own years of experience.
The tree-planting workshop meshes perfectly with the Gardens’ theme for the year: Trees, Timbers and Traditions. To register, call 207-633-4333, ext. 101; visit; or stop by the membership office in the Visitor Center, off Barters Island Road in Boothbay.
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