Autumn Trees at Hidden Valley Nature Center
The final workshop of Midcoast Conservancy’s Naturalist Series will be held on Saturday, Oct. 8 from 10 a.m. to noon at Hidden Valley Nature Center in Jefferson. Autumn in Maine means trees in their glory! Early October is a great time to go for a walk in the woods to look at what’s happening with trees—which ones have already lost leaves, which ones don’t seem to have gotten very far along, which ones hold onto their leaves until spring. And, of course, what’s happening with those “forever green” evergreens? What do changes seen or unseen tell a curious hiker? And are leaves or needles the only ways to tell trees apart? What about bark, shape, twigs, buds—there’s so much to check out!
Anyone is welcome to attend on Oct. 8. The group will meet at the main gate of HVNC for a 1-2 hour walk with a Maine Master Naturalist to look at and learn about trees. To learn more and to register, go to