Ballot items, duty bring out Wiscasset voters
Marge Pooler had two things to do at the Wiscasset Community Center on Tuesday: Play cribbage with fellow senior citizens and turn in her absentee ballot at the polls.
Voting was taking up the senior center, so cribbage was moved to the gym. As for why she voted in this election, Pooler said it wasn’t any specific issue or race on the ballot. She always votes.
“Just doing my duty, I guess,” she said after exiting the center around noon Tuesday.
Shortly behind her was Gary Fairfield. He gets out to vote when he can, but his biggest reason for turning out Tuesday was to help reelect Gov. Paul LePage, he said. He also cited the proposed ban on bear baiting, trapping and hounding.
“That was a hard one for me,” he said of Referendum Question 1. “But I had to vote yes. I don’t like them being tortured. That’s not hunting,” he said.
By noon Tuesday, 350 Wiscasset voters had completed ballots at the polls, Wiscasset Town Clerk Christine Wolfe said. Another 571 voted absentee.
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