Businesses: Last call to appear on 2015 grad pages
If you'd like your business on this year's Boothbay Region High School and Wiscasset High School graduation pages, call 207-633-4620, ext. 116, or email with your name, number, and any business name(s) you'd like on the pages.
The deadline is Monday, May 18, so don't delay.
The price is just $15 per business name, per line. You are welcome to list additional business names, each for $15. Each line is simply the name of your business; it does not include any other copy.
Show your 2015 Seahawks and Wolverines the support they deserve!
Boothbay Register and Wiscasset Newspaper donate a portion of the advertising profits to Project Graduation, a fund that insures all graduates can enjoy a safe, substance-free evening of events the night of graduation.
Call or email today to secure your spot!
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