‘Catch’ this
Our websites in the last week were showing our strides closer, much closer, to their normal caliber, as we also put out another print edition, all with the new system.
Just please do not count my gray hairs.
I am excited to point out one stride in particular: Our daily Morning Catch emails are back, all three of them now — Penobscot Bay Pilot’s, Boothbay Register’s and Wiscasset Newspaper’s. The days they were wonky or down to be reestablished reminded us, those emails are how a lot of you get to us instead of just going straight to penbaypilot.com, boothbayregister.com or wiscassetnewspaper.com. Going to any of the sites can get you to all three, including a lot of news items so local, you only see them on one. As much as we pride ourselves in our award-winning websites, having them under maintenance has made it abundantly clear, the Morning Catch is for many online readers a handier access point because you know only the freshest content is in it and you can hit on whatever strikes your interest. You can do the same thing directly on each website, but there is more content to catch the eye there, so you might read other things and be viewing the site longer. Not that that is a totally bad thing, unless you are at work or have to be somewhere.
You can sign up for the Catch (and Weekend Preview and Breaking News emails) right on the websites. The box says, “Subscribe to our mailing list.”
As for the Catch or anything else web-wise, if you are still running into any issues, hopefully rarely if at all now, email us at news@wiscassetnewspaper.com or news@boothbayregister.com and we will get the issue to the right people, who may well already be working on it. Thank you again, for your patience through our progress.