Chamber meets ‘After Hours’ at Wiscasset Public Library
Wiscasset Public Library on High Street was the setting for this month’s Business After Hours meeting of the Wiscasset Area Chamber of Commence Thursday evening, March. 22.
Pam Dunning, who recently celebrated her 12th year as library director, told chamber members the library began in 1799. “We can say with great pride that we’re the oldest continuous circulation library in the country.” She said the historic brick building the library occupies was once home to a business in 1805, the Lincoln and Kennebec Bank.
“While you’re here take a moment to walk through the library and look over our collection and admire some of the building’s early architectural features,” added Dunning. She has been associated with the library for 28 years.
Monique McRae, past president of the chamber, shared some exciting news with members. “We now have a year-round presence in Wiscasset having recently established an office in the building occupied by the Lincoln County Regional Planning Office located at 297 Bath Road.”
She said First National Bank donated furnishings for the office that will be staffed by Pat Cloutier, assistant to the chamber board.
McRae added the chamber would still have an informational building downtown this summer on the Main Street Pier. Volunteers are needed to help staff it. Contact the chamber at 882-9600.
McRae said the new chamber business guide is nearing completion. She advised members to log on to the web site for further details.
McRae is AVP, branch manager of First National Bank, Wiscasset. She was filling in for chamber president Dr. Jean Beattie-Flynn who was unable to attend.
Sally Gemmill, president of the library trustees, thanked the chamber members for attending and introduced library staff members Karen Delano, David Cherry, Janet Morgan and Laurie Ridgeway.
Gemmill said, besides Wiscasset the library also served Alna, Edgecomb and Westport Island. Among the resources the library offers are six computer terminals where visitors can do online research.
She noted the Used Book Room was furnished by the Friends of the Library.
The evening included light refreshments and concluded with a 50/50 raffle. The next Business After Hours is April 19 at First Congregational Church of Wiscasset. For more information on the Chamber, visit
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