Coastal Rivers’ February Vacation Camp offers outdoor adventures
During school vacation in February, Coastal Rivers Conservation Trust is offering a three-day session of camp at Coastal Rivers’ Salt Bay Farm in Damariscotta for those who enjoy outdoor adventures such as exploring the outdoors, learning about wildlife, playing games, and building snow creatures. Vacation Camp runs from Tuesday through Thursday, Feb. 18-20, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
This camp session is for ages 7 to 11 and will offer a wide variety of activities, including using a microscope to look at snowflakes, dissecting an owl pellet, searching for animal signs in the forest, sledding and snowshoeing (if there is enough snow), and sowing native plant seeds.
Participants will need to bring snacks and lunch, and be prepared to be outside for most of the day. Coastal Rivers can provide outdoor clothing for anyone in need as long as requests are made by February 11.
Registration is required by Feb. 10, although earlier registration is recommended as this program is expected to fill quickly. Tuition is $180, or $160 for Coastal Rivers’ members. Scholarships are available for all programs. Gift certificates for these camps and Camp Mummichog, Coastal Rivers’ summer day camp, are also available to purchase.
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