Coastal Senior College Winter courses still open for registration
This winter, Coastal Senior College, which offers lifelong learners' enrichment through courses and other activities in Lincoln and Knox countries, will hold classes and activities across a wide spectrum of study areas.
Winter courses begin the week of Tuesday-Friday, Jan. 14-17.
Of the seven four-to six-week courses in the collection, five will be conducted via Zoom, offering many registration opportunities for existing and new members of the Maine Senior College Network’s seventeen campuses. Live classes are scheduled in Newcastle and in Bremen.
One-to-two-hour course sessions will unfold once a week in the mornings or afternoons on Tuesdays through Fridays. Registration for the Winter Semester opened on Tuesday, Dec. 10 and all courses have limited availability.
Courses during the Winter Semester include: “Colette: The Claims of Love” (Zoom), “Space, What Are They Up to Now?” (Zoom), “Prose Poetry: Expansive Writing in an Age of Shortcuts” (Zoom), “Michaelangelo Caravaggio: He Preached the Bible with Paint” (Damariscotta), “The Dilemmas of Democracy: Creating a New Country” (Zoom), “Of Wattle, Thatch, and Half-Timbers: Folk Architecture of the World” (Zoom), and “Night Journey: Conrad’s The Secret Sharer and Heart of Darkness” (Bremen).
For information on membership, course registration, or teaching for CSC, and for detailed descriptions of all the courses and activities, visit the Coastal Senior College website at: