Community support essential for hiking trails
Over the past 33 years, Boothbay Region Land Trust (BRLT) supporters, volunteers and staff have worked with land owners to create a network of preserves (22 in number now) offering over 30 miles of hiking trails.
These preserves are scattered throughout the region from Damariscove Island five miles offshore to Singing Meadows in Edgecomb.
The trails meander by ponds, wetlands, and through fields, forests and along the shore. Birders, naturalists, tourists, residents and dog owners visit them 64,000 times a year. And they are free.
The land trust is now reaching out to the community, the region’s residents and visitors, to make a donation and/or pledge to the Stewardship Campaign to sustain the many miles of hiking trails, waterfront access, and year-round environmental education.
These community resources are funded solely through voluntary donations and grants. Grants funding a significant portion of public access and environmental education begin to run out at year’s end. BRLT is raising sustaining dollars to fill this emerging gap.
Over half of the $3 million endowment fund goal has been raised and the land trust is asking the public to help meet a $500,000 challenge gift by year’s end. All campaign costs are underwritten so 100 percent of all gifts go straight to BRLT’s endowment fund. Also, all public gifts received by December 31, 2013 will be matched.
Ever since the land trust was founded in 1980, the organization agreed that providing “appropriate” access on conserved lands for the public was important and necessary. By allowing people to walk the conserved lands, they will see first-hand the beauty, ecological diversity and importance of keeping open space in the region.
An economic impact study conducted by University of Maine last year concurred. Over 90 percent of the region’s residents feel it is important to keep open space available for future generations, for wildlife habitat and for waterfront access.
The BRLT asks each resident and visitor to consider the value of its hiking trails, waterfront access and year-round education. The preserves and education program have no gate, ticket or required membership.
The land trust needs the community’s help to sustain these resources for years to come.
For more information or to make a gift or pledge, visit, call the land trust at 207-633-4818, or stop by the land trust at 137 Townsend Avenue. BRLT’s website offers many options for pledges, including weekly, monthly, and bi-annually.
Campaign information is also available at preserve kiosks and at its business supporters’ locations throughout the community including J. Edward Knight, Topside Inn, Washburn & Doughty, First Federal, Soule, Soule and Logan, Spruce Point Inn, Knickerbocker Group, Bath Savings, Two Salty Dogs and Red Cup Coffeehouse.
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