Conservation association opens new trail in Jefferson
Please join the Sheepscot Valley Conservation Assocaition (SVCA) for the grand opening of the new Red Trail at the Stester Preserve in Jefferson on Saturday, Oct. 19 at 10 a.m. Gather at the kiosk on Egypt Road (1.25 miles from Route 215 or 2.5 miles from Route 194) at 9:45 a.m. for cider and snacks before departing for the Red Trail at 10 a.m.
After a short ribbon cutting ceremony near the pond where the new trail departs, hikers will follow the Red Trail through a mixed forest of maples, beech, oaks and pines. The hike will take approximately 1½ hours and is easy to moderate.
The new Red Trail extends the existing Blue Trail to complete a 1.8 mile loop through the eastern portion of this beautiful preserve, meandering south from the pond and then along the high ridge on the property.
The longer trail gives hikers a chance to stretch their legs and see some hidden parts of the preserve passing through open oak and pine forests on the ridge, along low wet areas, and past lichen and moss covered bedrock outcrops. The rocky outcrops provide an open feel to the trail with blueberries and huckleberries in the understory and a diversity of wildlife habitats.
In addition to the new trail, SVCA is also excited to introduce 15 interpretive stops along the Blue Trail loop. The mile long Blue Trail includes stops to learn about forest regeneration, wetlands, wildlife habitats, plant identification and more. Visitors can download the preserve map and interpretive guide at the SVCA website, or pick up a guide at the Preserve kiosk. Return the guide to the kiosk to be used by others, or hang on to it and consider making a donation to SVCA that will help establish future preserve trails.
The Red Trail and interpretive stations on the Blue Trail are made possible with grant funding from The Fields Pond Foundation, Margaret E. Burnham Charitable Trust, Davis Conservation Foundation and Hancock Lumber of Damariscotta who offered discounted lumber. SVCA’s amazing volunteer trail crew put in many hours laying out the trail, clearing and blazing, and establishing the interpretive posts.
Special thanks go to Dimitry Pepper from Whitefield, and Jefferson Scout Troop 216 for building bridges across two seasonal streams along the Red Trail that provide safe passage for hikers while protecting stream banks. We hope everyone has a chance to check out their fine work by taking a walk on the new trail! The Stetser Preserve is maintained with generous funding from The First through SVCA’s Adopt-A-Preserve Program.
For more information, call 207-586-5616, visit us online at or like us on Facebook at
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