Contest ahead for Wiscasset selectmen’s seats
Wiscasset voters will have three choices June 9 for two selectmen’s seats. The three-way race emerged as the only contest when nominations closed at the town clerk’s office at 5 p.m., Monday, April 27.
Candidates for two, two-year terms on the board of selectmen are former Comprehensive Plan Committee member William David Cherry, former Wiscasset Municipal Airport manager Ervin Deck and former selectman Judy Flanagan, Town Clerk Christine Wolfe said.
Selectmen’s Chairman Pam Dunning and Selectman Tim Merry did not seek reelection.
Eugene Stover and Glen Craig are both seeking reelection to the school committee. No one else turned in papers for the panel, Wolfe said.
Kristin Draper turned in papers for one of the budget committee’s three, two-year terms up for election. The committee also has three, three-year terms up for election and one seat with a one-year term.
Phil Di Vece is seeking to serve on a water district seat for another three years.
Polls will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on June 9 at Wiscasset Community Center, Wolfe said.
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