County Republicans welcome new executive director
The Lincoln County Republican Committee(LCRC) held its April meeting at the Fire House in Jefferson. The guest speaker was Jason Savage, the new state GOP executive director. Stuart Smith, LCRC chairman, said that Savage has great credentials for the job.
“Jason was very active in Paul LePage's successful campaign for governor in 2010.” Most recently, he was director of Maine People Before Politics. “He's young and energetic, and I believe he has the right skills and experience for the job,” Smith said.
Savage is part of the new leadership at the State GOP. Earlier, Rich Cebra was named state GOP chairman, succeeding Charlie Webster.
Savage spoke about the last election cycle and the fact that Republicans lost a number of closely contested races. The result was that the Democrats regained control of both the Maine House and Senate.
“I think that this was unfortunate for Maine people. The 125th Legislature under Republican leadership accomplished an amazing amount of work. So far, this legislature, under Democrat control, has floundered and has little of substance to show for itself.” He went on the lay out some of his plans for the 2014 and 2016 elections.
In other business, Smith reported on the state committee meeting that was just held. A key accomplishment was that the committee passed a resolution that was sent to the Republican National Committee requesting accountability from the Department of Homeland Security as to why they have purchased more than 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition this past year. The purchase has also resulted in a shortage of ammunition for police departments and individuals.
The next LCRC meeting will be held Wednesday, May 8 at the American Legion in Waldoboro. For more information about the LCRC, visit its website at Smith can be reached at
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