Damariscotta River Association spring 2014 programs
All programs meet at the DRA Great Salt Bay Farm Heritage Center (110 Belvedere Road), Damariscotta, unless otherwise indicated.
Birch Bark Etching with David Moses Bridges
When: Saturday, April 5, 12:30 to 5 p.m., Sunday, April 6, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Fee: $85/$75 member (limited scholarships available). Limited space and registration required.
Join renowned Passamaquoddy Birchbark artist and canoe-builder David Moses Bridges for a weekend of learning about native motifs, stories and birch bark etching technique. Participants will take home their own artwork: an etched birchbark panel. Participants bring their own lunch. Appropriate for ages 15 and up.
“Earthfest” Shoreline Clean-Up
When: Friday, April 25, 2 to 4 p.m.
Fee: Free. Registration required.
Meet at the Damariscotta Mills Sanitary District parking lot (Route 215/Mills Road) to clean a portion of Great Salt Bay shoreline. Adults only due to huge amount of glass at site. Bags provided.
Frog Walk
When: Saturday, April 26, 7 to 9 p.m.
Fee: Recommended donation: $5/members free. Registration required.
“Love is in the air.” Hear some of the region’s tuneful amphibians sing their mating songs. Naturalists will provide a brief lesson on frog call identification and information about amphibians common to the area. Bring a flashlight.
Bird Hikes in May
When: Every Saturday in May, 7 to 9:30 a.m.
Recommended donation: $5/members free. Registration required.
Meet your bird hike leader at the DRA (110 Belvedere Road, Damariscotta) and either walk at this site or car-pool to other near-by sites for the best viewing of migratory birds including ducks, warblers, and raptors. All ages and levels welcome. Bird books and binoculars are available to borrow.
Seaweeds for Life Workshop
When: Saturday, May 17, 1 to 4 p.m.
Fee: $25/$20 member. Registration required.
Join Sarah Redmond, Maine Sea Grant Marine Extension Agent, and Hillary Krapf, seaweed enthusiast and health educator to review the biology, diversity, sustainable harvest regulations and ecology of Maine seaweeds. Participants will learn how to handle, identify, and prepare several different species of Maine seaweeds, incorporating them into a variety of culinary and beauty applications. Recipes to take home will be available. Space is limited and registration is required. Participants bring their own lunch. Appropriate for ages 15 and up.
Children’s programs
April Vacation Day Camp: Wade into Wetlands
When: April 22 to April 25 (four days), 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Fee: $176/$156 members (limited scholarships available).
Explore fresh and saltwater wetlands with a naturalist, catch and study a variety of aquatic creatures including marine worms and horseshoe crabs, create art projects, keep a nature journal, play nature-inspired games. Registration required. Health form required. (Ages 5-10).
Wild Encounters. A regular program for homeschool families
When: Classes are held 10 a.m. to noon the second Wednesday of each month (except April).
Fee: $5/child. Registration required.
Hike and nature journaling always included. (Age 5 and up).
April 16: Freshwater Aquatic Invertebrates: Catch marsh critters to examine under a microscope.
May 14: Birds in Migration: Play migratory hopscotch and go for a bird walk to see unusual birds.
June 11: Horseshoe Crabs: Experience a saltmarsh and the amazing adaptations of horseshoe crabs.
Frogs and Pollywogs. For preschoolers and their parents/guardians.
When: Classes are held the 2nd Thursday each month (except May) from 10 to 11 a.m.
Fee: $3/child. Registration required.
Hike always included. (Ages 2-5).
April 10: Bugs in the Mud: Catch and observe larval insects in the freshwater marsh.
May 15: Birds of a Feather: Learn what makes birds special and go for a bird walk.
June 12: Horseshoe Crabs: Get up close with horseshoe crabs in the salt marsh.
Jr. Naturalist After-School Program
When: Month of April, Tuesdays & Thursdays, 3:15 to 5 p.m.
Fee: $55/$50 members (scholarships available). Registration required.
Explore wetlands and learn all about insects, crustaceans, fish, and amphibians. The DRA Great Salt Bay Farm is on a bus route from local elementary schools and close to Route 1. Month-long sessions that include school vacation week. (Grades 1-5).
For more information call 207-563-1393, email dra@damariscottariver.org or check the website www.damariscottariver.org.
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