Democrats discuss strategies for next campaign season April 13
All Democrats are encouraged to attend the April 13 meeting of the Lincoln County Democratic Committee (LCDC). The open forum meeting be an opportunity for Democrats to learn about LCDC’s latest plans for moving forward, and to share their views on these and other issues on their mind.
The meeting will begin with LCDC Chairman Jim Torbert and Past Chairman Lisa Miller presenting updates on the LCDC Executive Committee's strategic planning activities and the results of a recent survey of the unprecedented number of volunteers who took part in the last campaign.
“Input from all those attending will be welcome throughout the meeting,” Torbert said. “We are especially interested in hearing peoples’ views about which strategies worked in the 2014 campaign and which and ones didn’t; and getting their ideas about new and innovative ways to reach voters, increase fundraising and improve outcomes in the next election cycle.”
The meeting will be held at Waldoboro Town Office, 1600 Atlantic Avenue (Route 1) on Monday, April 13. A 30-minute social gathering begins at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting gets under way at 7 p.m. Refreshments will be available.
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