Democrats kick off ‘Celebrate Farming in Maine’ Oct. 14
During the month of October, Lincoln County Democrats are “Celebrating Farming in Maine.” At a meeting on Oct. 14, a panel of guest speakers led by Alice Percy, president of Maine Organic Growers and Farmers Association (MOGFA), will talk about the promise and challenges of small farming and the local food movement at the Democrats upcoming October meeting. All Democrats and supporters, and all local farmers are invited.
Small farming is a vital part of Lincoln County’s economy. The meeting will be an opportunity to meet local farmers and learn all the ways that consumers and the public can support them.
Also on the agenda is the 2016 Maine Democratic Party Platform. Anyone interested is asked to review the 2014 Platform and bring up their ideas for changes that are needed. Copies are available at The State Platform Committee will begin its work on Oct. 18.
The meeting will be on Wednesday, Oct. 14, at the Community Room at the Newcastle Fire Station on River Road. A social gathering will run from 6:30 to 7 p.m., and the meeting starts at 7 a.m. Refreshments will be available. Also, a food basket will be available for donations of non-perishables that will be delivered to a local food bank during the holiday season.
The Democrats’ celebration of farming in Maine will continue on Sunday, Oct. 25, with the “Farmers’ Feast Dinner and Dance” at the Arlington Grange Hall in Whitefield. This event will start at 4:30 p.m. with social time and an indoor-plant sale. At 5 p.m., a ham supper with organic and local vegetables and soup will be served. Homemade desserts promise to be delicious, and vegan and gluten free choices will be available.
After dinner, the tables will be cleared away for contra dancing. Music will be provided by well-known local musicians Toki Oshima and John Pranio of Whitefield. Dinner will be $12, dancing will be $10, combo tickets will be $20, and children under 10 are free.
For more information about the Oct. 14 meeting, and the Oct. 25 Farmers Feast Dinner and Dance, visit or
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