Democrats plan for the future
On Dec. 7, the Lincoln County Democrats met in the Community Room at the Newcastle Fire Department to discuss plans for the future growth of the Democratic Party in Maine. Discussion was led by Ben Grant, former chair of the Maine Democratic Committee and Phil Bartlett, the current chair of the Committee. Both provided insights about the 2016 election results and proposed ways to develop the Party as it prepares for the 2017 and 2018 elections.
Bartlett reported on the strength of the Democratic performance in the 2016 election, noting that Maine was one of only 13 states in the country in which Democrats held the House and was alone among states in netting two seats in the Senate. Bartlett said that as a result of phenomenal fieldwork, the Democrats picked up seats in Aroostook and Washington counties.
Both speakers emphasized the need for the party to adopt bold new ideas about the economy and job creation, and develop strong, broad based economic solutions. Both welcomed the new participation of those who joined the party during the 2016 election and urged their participation in developing creative new programs and policies that reflect the strength of the open, inclusive, diverse Democratic Party agenda. They also urged Democrats to demonstrate their beliefs and values out in the community in their participation in local activities and programs.
The next meeting of the Lincoln County Democrats will be held on Jan. 18 at 6 p.m. at the Communications Building in Wiscasset. All are welcome.
For more information about the Lincoln County Democrats, contact Valarie Johnson at 549-3358 or visit us on facebook
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