Dresden sets special election for April 7
Dresden selectmen voted Feb. 4 to hold a special election April 7 for the selectman’s seat Trudy Foss is leaving. Nomination papers are now available and will be due March 6. Absentee ballots will be available between March 10 and April 2. Polls will be open noon to 8 p.m. April 7 at Pownalborough Hall.
Foss submitted a letter rescinding last month’s resignation so that she can serve until March 31, instead of Feb. 29.
Absentee ballots are available now for the March 3 state referendum vote.
Selectmen heard the bids of two assessing agents. Wilson Hennessey Appraisal’s $7,500 bid will cover one day a month; David Ledew’s $11,000 bid will cover another 10 days throughout the year. No decision was made.
The Democratic Caucus has asked to use Pownalborough Hall March 8 and have the $100 fee waived. Selectmen agreed to first find out if the fee has been waived for past caucuses.
A $2,616 quote from Cunningham Security was received for security cameras for the town office, with no monthly fee. The deal would include in-house recording. Selectman Gerald Lilly said he would like to see the quality of the recordings before deciding. The board tabled the decision until they have met with the firm. The board will also look into a citizen’s suggestion to find out more about the system at Bridge Academy.
And State Rep. Allison Hepler, D - Woolwich, said she came to make sure citizens knew they could reach out with any concerns or anything she can help with.
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