E. Davies Allan running for Westport Island road commissioner
Address: 123 West Shore Road, Westport Island
Occupation: engineer
Education: (4) years preparatory school, (3) years college
Political History (Board, committees, other): Member of the Westport Road Committee
Clubs/Organizations: Timber Framers Guild. Morris Farm (board member)
Considering the office you are running for, what do you feel are the three most pressing issues (350 words or less): Create an annual road maintenance/upgrade budget that reduces the conditions abused by the sporadic measures of the past; reduce the use of salt in areas that become super-saturated during mud season; attend selectmen’s meetings once a month.
Any other thoughts on why you are running or what you can bring to the office? (150 words or less): I look forward to providing a professional approach to the needs of our island roads, based on my 50-plus years in the construction business.