Ed Pentaleri for Alna Select Board
Dear Editor:
Growing up in a family of artists, I have an engrained appreciation for the landscapes and historic places here in Alna that they captured on canvas over several generations, as well as the rich history of these places. That shared interest in Alna’s history is one of several reasons I am supporting Ed Pentaleri, who is a candidate for the Alna Select Board in our March elections.
One of the things I admire about Ed is that he is willing to take the initiative on things that would benefit the town, and that he sees these initiatives through to completion despite the long hours often required.
One example of that initiative led him to create the Fund to Support Historic Alna (aka Historic Alna), a non-profit to help support some of Alna’s town owned historic buildings. Recently he helped raise donations and grant funding, and then coordinated restoration work and exterior painting of our 1789 Meetinghouse.
Another reason I support Ed for select board is that he is very devoted to ensuring openness and transparency in the administration of town business. During an earlier term on the select board, Ed adhered to the routine practice of ensuring that agendas were published at least five days in advance of Board meetings so that residents were not blindsided with little notice of what was on the meeting agenda. He also helped ensure that all meetings were held on Zoom so everyone could see them, and that the public was given a guaranteed and regular opportunity to address the select board on any topic. These may seem like small things but they go a long way for transparency and accessibility.
Ed has worked tirelessly for the town in his earlier terms on the select board, and I am confident he will do so again….because he genuinely cares for our community. I hope that you will join me in voting for Ed Pentaleri for Alna Select Board on March 28.
Jeff Philbrick