Edgecomb buyer may want more land
Edgecomb officials learned Monday, Feb. 10, the buyer for the town’s property on McKay Road may be interested in more land.
At the selectmen’s meeting, Troy Plummer, son of purchaser Todd Plummer, expressed an interest in buying land adjacent to the 3.3-acre house lot. The land is part of an 80-acre parcel known as the “Lallis property” that was tax-acquired in 2004 and is near a land preserve. Selectmen subdivided the property, had it appraised and in 2017 offered it to abutters.
When neighbors expressed no interest, selectmen sought bids with a minimum of $27,500. None were received. Last summer, selectmen placed the property with realtor Nancy Carleton, with a listing price of $25,000. In January, Carleton presented an offer of $22,500, contingent on the property’s use as a home-based machine shop. After closing and other costs, the town will receive $20,350 from the sale.
At the Feb. 10 meeting, Carleton informed selectmen there will be a slight delay in the closing, scheduled for Friday, Feb. 14. The attorney reviewing documents for title insurance has found an issue which should be resolved within a couple of weeks.
Troy Plummer asked if the town had plans for the rest of the original 80-acre parcel. Selectmen said there were no definite plans. Selectman Mike Smith told Plummer, “We are more than willing to have a conversation about the rest of the property” and invited Plummer to let the town know what he would like to buy.
Also at the meeting, selectmen agreed to reach out to Maine Department of Transportation for updates on road conditions and Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office for information about speeding. Representatives of both will be invited to a meeting.
After discussion with Budget Committee Chair Jack Brennan, selectmen agreed to hold their March 9 meeting from 6:15 p.m. to 6:45 p.m., followed by a town budget forum at 6:45 p.m. On Monday, March 30 the committee will present the final version of the proposed budget to residents. The annual town meeting is Saturday, May 16. The town election is Friday, May 15.
Smith reported on a Feb. 3 meeting with the school committee, expressing concerns about unfunded expenses but saying he was pleased to see other residents attending the meeting. Smith also commented on decreasing population projections from the state which show Edgecomb’s population may drop as much as 13% in the next 15 years.
The fire department reported 24 calls for service in January, including eight motor vehicle accidents, 14 requests for transportation to hospitals or assisting ambulances and responding to two fire and smoke alarms.
Selectmen meet next at 6 p.m. Monday, Feb. 24 at the town office.
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