Edgecomb Citizens Tax Group – A source of disinformation
Dear Editor:
This past Saturday I attended the group’s presentation at the Edgecomb Town Hall. It was quickly apparent that the group’s data is being portrayed in a manner intended to mislead the general public. The group claims “Students used to compete well on Maine standardized academic tests which is no longer true.” This is completely false.
Edgecomb Eddy School is considered an above-average elementary school, with students achieving 85% or higher proficiency in math and reading. The presentation depicted a significant disparity between Edgecomb Eddy School and nearby elementary schools, however the group neglected to mention that the graph’s scale represented a mere one percentage point. The actual difference is almost negligible, particularly in the context of young children’s performance on standardized tests. A school cannot be compared to a manufacturing facility that produces identical “widgets,” every student presents unique challenges to the teaching staff, which must be identified and integrated into individualized education plans, all while sustaining a positive learning environment for other students in the classroom.
Additionally, the group expressed concerns about students attending Edgecomb Eddy School as “tuition-in” students, especially those requiring additional support. One supporter of the group suggested, "Can't we interview incoming students and their parents, and choose not to accept those with special needs?" Comments such as this reveal a disturbing degree of “elitism” and a disregard for children living in the region. It is unethical and illegal to restrict access to public education based on disabilities or special educational needs. I can only hope that this is one person’s view, and not that of the Citizens Tax Group as a whole.
I would suggest to the members of the Edgecomb Citizen’s Tax Group that they refocus their energy in a positive and collaborative manner. Consider getting involved at the school – volunteer in whatever capacity you can, sign up to work as a substitute teacher or substitute bus driver, consider joining the School Board. Positive community involvement is a far better approach than creating divisions between our hard-working local families that choose to call Edgecomb home.
Jason Currier