First Congregational Church Wiscasset celebrates White Gift Sunday
White Gift Sunday, which will be celebrated at First Congregational Church, UCC Wiscasset, on Jan. 4, 2015, has been a part of Christian churches’ celebrations for over 100 years.
In 1904 Ohio, the wife of a Methodist minister sought a way to help people in need around the church community. She was familiar with the story of the people of China who revered their emperor — the Kublai Khan — so much, that they would bring him gifts wrapped in plain paper for his birthday.
In presenting gifts to him in this manner, there would be no comparing the size or value of the gifts, but rather emphasizing the love of the people for their leader.
The tradition of White Gift Sunday, begun by a minister’s wife more than 100 years ago, has spread around the Christian world, so that today, variations of this service are included in churches not only in the United States, but also in the United Kingdom, Canada, Brazil, India and Australia to help people in need in their communities.
In a special offering on Sunday, Jan. 4, the congregation may bring a gift wrapped in white paper or money in a white envelope. Proceeds will be distributed to the Animal Shelter, St. Philip's Food Pantry, and the Fuel Assistance Fund, either by specific designation or un-designated funds will be evenly distributed to the three charitable groups.
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