First 5 good local things for 2025: The final cut
As anticipated, there were well more than five good Wiscasset-area things for Wiscasset Newspaper to share in January, the kickoff to a planned year of monthly picks of five good things.
If your favorite good local thing that happened last month is not listed here, there are worse problems, first of all; and second, maybe it is because we haven't heard about it. Email with a story idea and we will see what we can do. Meanwhile, here are January's picks, in random order:
Wiscasset Middle High School's boys' high school basketball team's strong season, as shared to the school committee by Athletic Director Brandon Rogers. Bolstering this good sports and school news were encouraging reports on middle school basketball and Rogers' spring hopes for softball, track and field and a possible junior varsity baseball team.
Past Alna selectman Greg Shute, longtime staff member of Chewonki Foundation, was picked for a Special Recognition Award from the American Camping Association (ACA). An announcement stated the award honors efforts "to promote camp on a national level.”
Westport Island Town Clerk April Thibodeau said the town's incoming, electric sign would present helpful information and have "low key colors and strategic dimming to go easy on the eyes." Woolwich and Wiscasset have lit signs near their town offices now, and they are indeed good ways to inform and remind residents and others of events, meetings and more. Such signs arguably take a little away from a small town look, but most everything around them retains that charm, so it is still a net win.
Thibodeau also reported, Westport Community Association agreed to form the Westport Community Support Organization Exploratory Committee to look at "how best to replace the important work of Helping Hands as that organization winds down. This committee will determine the needs of our community and assess what neighboring towns are doing to address their residents' needs." Good stepping up, Westport Islanders.
And the remaining slot goes to the recent community effort getting Wiscasset Community Center three water wheelchairs for the pool. Great idea, followed through on. Hope many people use and benefit from them.
Here is hoping February keeps the good things coming. Snow lovers may already be liking it better.