Help Yourself Shelf pre-Thanksgiving plans
As Thanksgiving approaches, Help Yourself Shelf (HYS) is busy making plans for holiday sharing. Our Thanksgiving distribution will be Nov. 21, from 3 to 5:30 p.m. People should sign in in the St. Philip’s parking lot at 12 Hodge St. in Wiscasset for a turn to choose the meal fixings needed for the holiday table. HYS will also provide a Shaw’s gift card for people to shop for their own choice of meat.
Those queuing up for the usual weekly disbursement will have a turn to pick up Thanksgiving items in the lot, but will then follow the usual HYS routine to obtain a weekly box.
The week of Thanksgiving, the Shelf will be open for an amended weekly pantry time from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 27, for those who need a weekly box of food. The shorter time allows the volunteers to have some time for their own holiday preparations while also honoring the needs of others.
Thanks to Bangor Savings Bank's PB & J drive, 200 jars of peanut butter, jams and jellies were brought to St. Philip’s where the items were divided among Help Yourself Shelf and Feed Our Scholars’ weekend food bag program at Wiscasset Elementary School. These tried and true staples are helping to fill many Wiscasset kids’ empty bellies. HYS is most grateful to Bangor Savings for its wonderful contribution.
And speaking of gratitude, as the growing season wraps up, our thanks to Twin Villages Foodbank Farm and Veggies to Table. We are going to miss the high quality fresh produce that we have been able to share with our neighbors in need. To know that people have fresh, local, nutritious veggies has been a real joy and these farms are true gifts for our communities.
Our thanks as well to the kitchen team at Kieve Wavus who prepare and donate healthy premade meals during the winter season. We are thrilled to see you again!
With the changing seasons and summer jobs evaporating, Help Yourself Shelf has seen an uptick in registrations. The rising cost of groceries challenges our ability to provide adequate food for our friends’ tables. Please consider donating to this effort. As an all-volunteer organization, HYS uses all proceeds toward providing food for people and pets, as well as cleaning supplies, and personal care items. In kind donations are welcome too, as they give individuals an opportunity to choose items in the ‘shopping area’ to suit their particular needs and tastes beyond the staples provided in the boxes. Items can be donated any time in the Parish Hall at St. Philip’s.
Want to become directly involved? There are opportunities Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings and Thursday afternoon each week, picking up the rescue product from local Shaw’s and Hannaford stores, sorting product, organizing boxes and bins, working with the bottle redemption mission, helping with the Thursday morning deliveries, fundraising, and much more. You don’t have to commit to coming each week; we’ll welcome your help, as it suits your schedule.
To contact us, call St. Philip’s at 882-7184, and leave a message with a callback number, or by email at, or Facebook at