Island Cow Ice Cream
Owners: Robert and Jane Walters
Location: 31 Townsend Ave. in Boothbay Harbor
Telephone: 633-6651
Website & Email:
Days and Hours of Operation: Seven days, 10:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Services/Goods Offered: A variety of sweets and treats. Island Cow ice cream is made with organic milk and cream, and is rich and creamy. Among the flavors are lemon, ginger, red raspberry and wild Maine blueberry. Sorbet is made from scratch daily. Other sweet treats include eclairs, blueberry and other fruit tarts, opera cake, crème bruleé, cupcakes and baklava. Our Italian ice comes from
Libby's in New Haven, Conn. Island Cow has a variety of vegetarian and turkey sandwiches on focaccia bread baked daily on site. We cater to suit; taking special orders for birthdays and wedding events.
Owner Profile: Up until four years ago we owned and operated a small ice cream shop in Stonington for 10 years. In previous lives, Jane was a clown and Robert was a kindergarten and first grade teacher in Portland. Our children are Jeff, Jesse and Laura.
Special Features: We are one of two ice cream shops in Maine that make ice cream from scratch. It is made on a small family farm that provides our own organic milk and cream. Last fall our organic ice cream won two ribbons at the Maine Organic Common Ground Fair. One was for best dessert and the other for best Maine-made food.
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Goals: We are a warm family cafe. We go out of our way to make sure you are delighted by what you taste.
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