James Andretta seeks Wiscasset selectboard seat
Address: 14 High St., Wiscasset
Occupation: Civil Engineer
Education: Wiscasset (k-12), University of Maine Orono (bachelor’s degree in civil/environmental engineering)
Political History (Board, Committees, other): none submitted
Clubs/Organizations: none submitted
Considering the office you are running for, what do you feel are the three most pressing issues (350 words or less): Being a lifelong resident of Wiscasset, it is the sense of community that keeps me here. I have grown up here, went through the Wiscasset school system, attended college, and came right back. Keeping families here and attracting new ones is important. A key factor in doing so is providing a good education and our recreational programs. The Community Center provides essential services to children, parents, and our seniors. It provides great athletic programs for our youth, after school programs for working parents, as well as dinners and social activities for senior citizens. The Community Center is a pillar of our community and something I fully support.
As the cost of living continues to increase, we need to balance low taxes and necessary improvements. We should not wait on improvements that will continue to push problems to future boards and potentially cost more down the road. I will be responsible with our taxes while not deferring maintenance.
A significant project that is on the agenda of the board is the harbor expansion project. I support examining this project in depth to determine if it will become truly profitable to the town or create problems that do not currently exist. While there are benefits for the fishing community and local business, for my full support it must provide a monetary benefit as well as a recreational benefit to our residents. It is important to provide more extensive details of similar projects to Wiscasset voters before placing items on a ballot.
Any other thoughts on why you are running or what you can bring to the office? (150 words or less): As a civil engineer at Fuss & O’Neill, we have brought various projects to planning boards across the state, with a large emphasis on solar power and contributing to Maine’s green energy future. These projects will provide significant economic value to towns similar in size to Wiscasset and could become the highest taxpaying contributors, at no cost to the town. We should welcome similar ideas to Wiscasset that will preserve our small-town identity.
This is my first time running for a local board and I bring a fresh perspective. I will approach all issues, current and future, with an open mind. I will work diligently to represent the common good of all Wiscasset residents. Thank you for consideration and I look forward to the opportunity of serving on the board.