Jason Putnam seeks to stay on Wiscasset school committee
Address: 17 Hooper St., Wiscasset
Occupation: Self-employed carpenter – Over 30 years’ experience, specializing in old house and barn restoration
Education: 1988 high school graduate, also attended the University of Michigan for three years
Political History (Board, committees, other): Served on Wiscasset School Committee for six years, last three as Vice-Chair, have also served on Wiscasset Planning Board, Wiscasset Ordinance Review Committee, Wiscasset Comprehensive Planning Committee, Ad hoc Future of Wiscasset Schools Committee, Wiscasset Cemetery Committee, and was 2018 Democratic candidate for Maine State House of Representatives for former District 87 which included Wiscasset at that time.
Clubs/Organizations: Former baseball coach and four year Board Member of the Midcoast Cal Ripken Baseball League through the Wiscasset Community Center, member of the Lincoln County Democrats
Considering the office you are running for, what do you feel are the three most pressing issues (350 words or less): I am hoping to get reelected to continue the ever important work of educating our children and supporting our teachers and other school workers in a quickly changing society. The most important thing is to ensure our students and teachers feel safe and respected so optimum learning is achieved and our students grow to be self-sufficient and free-thinking adults who can prosper in modern society. A growing disrespect for higher learning is not helpful.
That brings me to my second issue – partisan politics in public schools. Schools are not political institutions and should not become so. Extreme political views and toxic culture wars hamper learning. Lets stick to the facts and let the kids grow up in peace.
The third most pressing issue in Wiscasset is attracting more students so we can lower the cost of education. I would love to see Dresden students return to Wiscasset schools, and other surrounding towns send more of their students to Wiscasset too. We have everything we need right here and we can never stop trying to do better.
Any other thoughts on why you are running or what you can bring to the office? (150 words or less): I enjoy being part of the solution in education and strive to keep an open mind while helping make decisions. I have learned much about how budgets work, and worked hard to see collective bargaining get done. I have never missed a School Committee meeting in six years of serving. I love to help.