Johnson receives support
Ginette Rivard, President of Maine State Employees Association, Local 1989 of the Service Employees International Union (MSEA-SEIU) announced recently that the organization supports Sen. Chris Johnson for reelection.
"Sen. Johnson voted for workers and retired workers 100 percent of the time on all 11 votes that we tracked in the 126th Maine Legislature,” Rivard said. “These votes included funding our contracts, making prescription drugs and healthcare more affordable, and avoiding a state government shutdown.
Johnson is Senate Chair of the Marine Resources Committee and the Government Oversight Committee. He also serves on the Education and Cultural affairs Committee. Johnson represents the new Senate District 13, which includes all of Lincoln County except Dresden, plus Windsor and Washington.
"It is an honor to receive this support,” Johnson said. “The issues important to MSEA-SEIU are important to working families everywhere, and I look forward to continuing to serve Maine's workers."
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