Land Trust announces summer fundraiser
The Marcus Printup Quartet, of Jazz at Lincoln Center, is appearing at the Boothbay Harbor Shipyard (formerly Sample's Shipyard) in Boothbay Harbor on Thursday, Aug. 16. Jazzing Up The Shipyard will include a Silent Auction from 5 to 6:30 p.m., followed by the concert from 6:30 to 7:30. This event is the only 2012 fundraiser for the Boothbay Region Land Trust.
Printup's background encompasses the fiery gospel music his parents sang in church, and the jazz he discovered during his high school years. He won the "International Trumpet Guild Jazz Trumpet Competition" while a student at the University of North Florida where he studied on a music scholarship. His life changed dramatically when his mentor, pianist Marcus Roberts, introduced him to Wynton Marsalis. By 1993, he'd been inducted into the Jazz @Lincoln Center Orchestra.
As an educator, Printup often facilitates master classes and clinics in middle schools, high schools, and universities throughout the United States. His education programs include Jazz @ Lincoln Center's Essentially Ellington competition, as well as the Lincoln Center Middle School Jazz Academy, the Savannah Music Festival Swing City Competition. He's also an adjunct faculty member of the New School in Manhattan.
In addition to the music of the Marcus Printup Quartet, guests at the August 16 event will enjoy complimentary cocktails and hors d'ouevres prepared and donated by restaurants in the Boothbay Region.
Tickets are $125 per person and must be purchased in advance. A limited number of tickets are available. For further information about the event, and to purchase tickets, please contact the Boothbay Region Land Trust office at (207) 633-4818. For more information about BRLT, visit
Proceeds from this event will benefit Boothbay Region Land Trust's ongoing land conservation and stewardship efforts. Thanks to strong community support over the last 30 years, BRLT has achieved remarkable success protecting treasured lands, providing public access and strengthening community connections with the natural world.
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