Lincoln County Republicans hold Dec. 11 meeting
Lincoln County Republican Committee (LCRC) held their monthly meeting at the Nobleboro Fire Station on Route 1 in Nobleboro on Dec. 11. A large turnout of enthusiastic Republicans gathered to learn of the encouraging Republican news locally, across the state and nationally. Exciting plans of future events will help bring us together.
Dr. Jay Allen, a physician who lives in New Harbor and has a practice in Waldoboro, spoke of his support of The Galen Institute with values he shares. They are a non-profit public policy research organization devoted to advancing ideas and policies to create a vibrant, patient-centered health sector. They facilitate public debate and education about proposals that support individual freedom, consumer choice, competition, and innovation in which he is a firm believer. They work to promote policies that lead to individual responsibility and control over health care and health insurance, lower costs through free market competition, and provide a strong safety net for vulnerable populations. As a medical expert, Dr. Allen realizes the need for Galen’s policies of continued medical innovation, advances in personalized medicine, and expanded access to more affordable health care and coverage in a 21st century economy.
Julie Rabinowitz spoke to us on behalf of the Maine People Before Politics (MPBP). Julie is a subject matter expert on a variety of economic, employment, and workforce topics, a published author and editor, and a college instructor. MPBP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, public research and educational organization that focuses primarily on state and local issues in Maine. Founded in 2011, MPBP is a watch-dog agency with a mission to promote and advance policies that benefit the people of Maine by creating an environment conducive to job growth, with the intent of ultimately fueling Maine’s economy, to conduct research and educate the public about issues related to economic growth, and to provide a voice for the people of Maine free of special interests. One such issue is the Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI), a regional collaboration of twelve Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states and the District of Columbia that seeks to improve transportation, develop a clean energy economy and reduce carbon emissions from the transportation sector. This initiative would create a Climate Change Counsel of seven groups, 20 people in each group, that will take charge of nearly all aspects of our lives. These “special interest” groups will have no Legislative regulation but will be run by a “state” agency, i.e. Governor Mills. It is estimated that it will mean an increase of 15-25 cents per gallon of gas at the onset.
Another speaker for the evening was Beth Printy, LCRC member and head of the recently formed Maine Women for Trump. The group has nine of 16 county coordinators in place. They are organizing flag rallies, letters to Congress, and local events that promote and support President Trump. They have a Facebook page to spread our Republican principles.
Other business included; the secretary’s report, treasurer’s report, the chair and co-chair reports. Future plans are the Grand Opening of the new office in Damariscotta on Jan. 11, a Lincoln Day Brunch on Feb. 22, and a Lincoln County Caucus at the Great Salt Bay school in late February, date TBD. More details will be forthcoming.
The next LCRC meeting will be held at the Waldoboro Town Office at 7 p.m., refreshments will be available during a social gathering at 6:30. Nick Isgro, Waterville Mayor, will be a guest speaker. All Republicans are welcome and encouraged to attend.
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