Lincoln County Republicans seek volunteers
Last week at the Damariscotta GOP campaign headquarters, Republicans met to discuss a range of important details pertaining to Lincoln County races and ways to give further support to their candidates. The topic of ballot signs, campaign signs, bumper stickers and brochures elicited requests for more materials from executive committee members, town chairs and people volunteering at the headquarters. Many signs for local, state and national candidates have arrived and can be picked up at the headquarters which is located in downtown Damariscotta on 15 Courtyard Lane, behind the Salt Bay Cafe and across from the Thai restaurant.
Help is needed to answer phones, make calls and do headquarter office duty. Those interested in donating their time as volunteers should call the headquarters office at 563-2424 (can leave message) or Jeanette Wheeler at 529-4514. Supporters who want to make a suggested donation for yard signs and bumper stickers are encouraged to call the office to get info on office hours and pick-up times. We encourage everyone to visit the office to learn more about our candidates or attend the next meeting of the Lincoln County GOP which will take place on Oct. 19, at the Newcastle Firehouse in Newcastle beginning at 6:30 p.m. The Lincoln County candidates have been invited for a round table discussion with interested voters.
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