Loaves and Fishes dinner
The fourth annual Loaves and Fishes dinner event will take place on Friday, Nov. 9. Sponsored by the Congregational Church of Boothbay Harbor, this delicious fish chowder dinner to go is an opportunity for the community to preorder dinner by November 5 and pick up on Friday, Nov. 9.
The menu includes fish chowder made by the famous Laura Francis and freshly baked rolls donated by Southport General Store, River’s End Farm and the Howard House. Dessert is delectable homemade brownies.
Place your order no later than Monday, Nov. 5 by calling the church office at 633-4757. No cooking Friday night, just drop into the Congregational Church on Townsend Avenue between 5 and 6 p.m. and pick up your dinner to go all for the price of $12.
Makes an excellent gift so think about ordering a nice hot chowder dinner for a special person or neighbor and have it delivered on Friday evening, Nov. 9. Let us know and we’ll make the delivery for you.
Proceeds from this community outreach event go directly to the Boothbay Region Fuel Assistance program, keeping our neighbors in need warm this winter.
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