Local tennis pro in Africa
Central Lincoln County YMCA tennis pro Cinda Holbach arrived in Camaroon, Africa bringing with her all of the donated rackets, tennis shoes and clothing for these very deserving players. This is made possible through Tennis Without Borders and Cinda's devotion and dedication.
Cinda Holbach is affiliated with Tennis Without Borders which is a not-for-profit organization that collects gear and equipment for kids around the world. Tennis Without Borders provides opportunities for children in need both on and off the tennis court. Donations came in from members and friends of the Y for Holbach to take to the kids.
Jordan Friedland, a two time high school singles champion, Stanford University sophomore, and Lincoln Academy graduate, has headed his own racket drive while at college helped Holbach get the rackets ready with new strings.
Holbach looks forward to her adventure and thanks everyone for their support in donations for the kids.
For more information on how the Y is giving back every day, please visit www.clcymca.org or stop by the Y.
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