Lunch and Learn tackles financial exploitation
Spectrum Generations Coastal Community Center will host its weekly Lunch and Learn program Wednesday, Dec. 5, at 11:15 a.m. Following the luncheon Detective Robert McFetridge from the Lincoln County Sheriff’s office will discuss and encourage older adults and their families to explore options for becoming better informed about strategies to prevent financial exploitation and abuse especially during the holiday season.
As luncheon guests will learn, financial exploitation can be prevented if people know the right questions to ask and where to turn for help. Although it is a sensitive issue and one that can be difficult to broach, it is critical for families to address it. Detective McFetridge will relate what and where many useful resources are available to guide them through the process.
As financial exploitation targeting older adults continues to become more prevalent in the United States, the national Eldercare Locator has launched a campaign to encourage older adults and their families to address the issue, and to get informed about the warning signs and resources available to help prevent abuse and financial exploitation. Research shows that as many as 5 million older adults are victims of elder abuse each year and financial exploitation costs seniors an estimated $3 billion annually.
As part of its 10th Annual Home for the Holidays campaign, the Eldercare Locator, a public service of the U.S. Administration on Aging (AoA) that is administered by the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a), has partnered with The National Center on Elder Abuse to produce a consumer guide, “Protect Your Pocketbook: Tips to Avoid Financial Exploitation,” to help inform this discussion with seniors during the holiday season. (
“Financial exploitation is a threat to the health, safety, dignity and independence of vulnerable older adults,” Kathy Greenlee said. Greenlee is Administrator for the Administration for Community Living and Assistant Secretary for Aging.
“This holiday season, we encourage families to spend some time asking older family members some basic questions to ensure that their finances are in good hands and that if there are signs of abuse, that the right steps are taken to stop it,” Greenlee said.
As a first step in this very important holiday discussion come to McFetridge’s lunch and learn presentation December 5.
Advanced luncheon reservations are required; call 207-563-1363 by noon Monday, Dec. 3, to make your luncheon reservation and entrée selection (chicken cordon bleu or baked ziti with garlic bread).
The suggested donation $4 per person for luncheon guests over 60 years of age; all others $6. Can’t make it to lunch? Community members are always welcome to attend the Center’s Wednesday Learn portion of the day’s Lunch and Learn program, which will begin at approximately at noon. The The Spectrum Generations Coastal Community Center is located at 521 Main St. in Damariscotta.
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