After its funding was cut by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Maine Sea Grant may yet keep…
After its funding was cut by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Maine Sea Grant may yet keep…
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced the termination of a multimillion-dollar award supporting the Maine Sea Grant this weekend. The…
Ocean on Tap is an informal, ocean-centric speaker series organized by researchers from Bigelow Laboratory and hosted by Footbridge Brewery in Boothbay Harbor. Dr.…
To celebrate our first year, we will be holding an Ocean Trivia Night on Thursday, Feb. 20, starting at 6 p.m. at Footbridge Brewery. The trivia will cover a variety of topics centered on the…
The Coast Guard Academy’s women’s basketball team, the Bears, visited Boothbay Harbor on a snowy Saturday afternoon, Jan. 11, en route to an away game at Maine Maritime Academy. The team’s 14…
The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Northern Shrimp Section is maintaining the current moratorium on northern shrimp fishing through the 2025 fishing year. That makes 11 years of…
The next Ocean on Tap event will take place on Thursday, Dec. 12 from 6 to 7 p.m. at Footbridge Brewery, 25 Granary Way in Boothbay Harbor.
Megan Shapiro, a marine resource specialist, will…
With the launch of a 13-foot Lawton Dory, Carpenter’s Boat Shop (CBS) said good-bye to its 2024 class as it…
Midcoast Conservancy’s State of the Midcoast Series provides an important opportunity for the organization to engage with local communities about conservation work and discuss ways in…
Department of Marine Resources Commissioner Patrick Keliher presented the annual Employee and Manager of the Year Awards during DMR’s recent annual meeting on Burnt Island in Boothbay Harbor.
…The Department of the Interior (DOI) announced Sept. 16 it will hold its first wind energy lease sale in the Gulf of Maine. Eight areas will be leased, two of which are around 60 miles from the…
Kelp forests are a foundational feature along Maine's coastline, providing the food, habitat, and clean water needed for a rich…
While kelp often dominates the algae conversation, the world of microalgae holds untapped potential, with innovations spanning pharmaceuticals to biomaterials. As part of our…
WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Senators Susan Collins and Angus King announced today that the Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences has received $7 million to build the Maine Algal Research…
Monica Wright will share her students’ Green Crab Student Research on Thursday, Aug. 8 at 7 p.m. at the Popham Library as one of the “Summer Series” talks.
Ms. Wright’s hands-on approach to…
Have you seen Virginia out sailing with her rich tanbark sails and her striking black & white chevron pattern on the bulwarks? You might have caught the vessel on the Kennebec or out…
Nicole Poulton is a senior research scientist and the director of the Center for Aquatic Cytometry at Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences (BLOS). On Tuesday, July 23, before an audience of about…
Aug. 4, 2024 update: The Rockland area Coast Guard has cancelled public tours of the Eagle.
The USCGC Eagle, a 295-foot, three masted barque carrying over 22,…
Few people are as uniquely positioned to tell the story of Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences’ (BLOS) first 50 years as Dr. Barney Balch, and on July 16, to a crowd of about 160 at the Opera…
The Maine Department of Marine Resources is advising the public — swimmers, paddlers, and surfers — to be safe while in or on the water,…
Public hearings have been scheduled to gather public input on the Public Information Document (PID) to Draft Amendment 4 to the Interstate Fishery Management Plan for…
The Maine Marine Patrol will once again be looking out for anyone violating Maine’s boating under the influence laws and sharing safety information during the national Operation Dry Water weekend…
The Popham Beach Library will present a program on the long history and current state of Seguin Island on Thursday, July 18 at 7 p.m. at the library as part of its “Summer Series 2024.” Speakers…
The grand opening for the public of the Gulf of Maine Discovery Center, formerly the site of the Maine State Aquarium, was held Wednesday, June 26 during the 62nd Boothbay Harbor Windjammer Days…
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences has launched new analytical services, certified by the State of Maine, to test for per- and polyfluoroalkyl…
The connected lakes and ponds of the Pemaquid River system are enjoyed by many as places to boat, fish, swim, and take in the sights and sounds of nature. To help protect them from the…
The Maine Seafood Promotional Council, an initiative designed to boost market growth and opportunities for Maine's seafood sector, is gearing up for a two-year pilot phase. This project is funded…
You may have seen a display at a marina, town office, or boating supply store and wondered what it was all about. The U.S. Coast Guard must assume a vessel found adrift with no one aboard…
All the items on your boat the CG Auxiliary checks are the same items the active-duty Coast Guard or Marine Patrol will check if you’re stopped and boarded; if any item is missing, expired, worn…
For this o-fish-al update, we introduce you to the new name for our educational facilities at the Dept. of Marine Resources’ Boothbay Lab – the Gulf of Maine Discovery…
Maine native and University of Maine alumna Christina Cash has been named executive director at the UMaine Lobster Institute, effective May 17.
Cash has been with the Lobster…
Kacey Mullins of Wiscasset waxes enthusiastic about his profession of harvesting blood…
Maine’s First Ship and the Arnold Expedition Historical Society are two of the 121 nonprofit, cultural organizations across 29 states and the District of Columbia who will receive a total of $1.4…
The U.S. Small Business Administration and the Federal Office of Disaster Recovery and Resilience have opened a pop-up help center for Knox, Sagadahoc, and Lincoln…
The 62nd annual Boothbay Harbor Windjammer Days will take place on Sunday, June 23 through Saturday, June 29. This year we will celebrate our local boatbuilders and shipwrights. Please visit…
Coastal Rivers’ Estuary Water Quality Monitoring Program offers volunteers the chance to get out on the water and be part of an ongoing community science project to inform the broader community…
When the late-March snowstorm slammed into Maine, a small group of students at Maine Academy of Natural Sciences (MeANS) were prepared. Should a quirky springtime blizzard interrupt their April or…
Coastal Rivers is seeking volunteers for a long-standing community science program that collects data on horseshoe crab populations in the Damariscotta River Estuary.
A training session…
Thom Price, a self-described “wood-shop geek” from a family of woodworkers up in Southern Appalachia, credits Pemaquid’s Carpenter’s Boat Shop for providing him with the skills and confidence to…
The 62nd annual Boothbay Harbor Windjammer Days will take place on Sunday, June 23 through Saturday, June 29. This year we will celebrate our local boatbuilders and shipwrights. Please visit…
Ocean on Tap, a new informal, ocean-centric speaker series has its second installment tonight, March 21, at 6 p.m. at Footbridge Brewery in Boothbay Harbor. Dr. Sarah Douglas, a postdoctoral…
The 62nd annual Boothbay Harbor Windjammer Days will take place on Sunday, June 23 through Saturday, June 29. This year we will celebrate our local boatbuilders and shipwrights. Please visit…
The Maine coast has been severely impacted by this winter’s storms and there has been significant damage to the working waterfront along with coastal properties and public access points…
The 62nd annual Boothbay Harbor Windjammer Days will take place on Sunday, June 23 through Saturday, June 29. This year we will celebrate our local boatbuilders and shipwrights. Please visit…