Marr’s Ridge Trail anniversary hike is Aug. 22
Come out and celebrate the first anniversary of the new Marr’s Ridge Trail on the Hunt’s Meadow Road in North Whitefield on Saturday, Aug. 22, from 9:30 to 11 a.m.
The trail was the first project of a group of Whitefield citizens, helped by Sheepscot Valley Conservation Association, which holds a conservation easement on the property belonging to landowner Sandy Benne.
The Whitefield Trails Committee will offer two hikes. One is a short nature walk (1.6 miles round-trip) on the pathway up to the overlook with its impressive granite tower. Expect to see many ferns, lichens, fall wildflowers and evidence of critters. The other walk is a four-mile loop walked at a brisk pace into the back of the property where walkers will see cellar holes, old stone walls and even a porcupine “hotel.” Part of the back loop has been recently rerouted to enjoy more of the diversity of the woods.
The trailhead is on the center section of the Hunt’s Meadow Road in North Whitefield. From the West, follow Route 126 east from the Gardiner bridge for six miles to the intersection with Hunt’s Meadow Road. Turn left and continue one-and-a-half miles on Hunt’s Meadow Road to the trailhead and parking on your left. From the east, take Route 126 west from Damariscotta Lake for 7.3 miles to the Cooper Road which bears right opposite St. Denis Church. Go north on the Cooper Road for 1.8 miles and turn left onto Hunt’s Meadow Road. Go .7 miles to the trailhead and parking lot on your right.
For more information contact Kit Pfeiffer at 207-549-7572 or
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