Melissa Spinney resigns as Alna’s first selectman over her concerns about new board

Tue, 03/30/2021 - 7:45pm

Alna First Selectman Melissa Spinney announced Tuesday night, March 30, she was leaving that office and all her town duties Friday, April 2. Her resignation letter to selectmen stated:

“I am sad to announce that I will be resigning from all my town positions and any other affiliations with the Alna government, effective Friday April 2, 2021. This will include my position as first selectman, pantry coordinator, community garden coordinator, help with the town trail, recreation committee, etc.The next few days I will focus on forwarding pertinent information to the new selectmen and town clerks about the town so business can continue seamlessly.

“In the past year or so there has been just too much animosity in town, and with the recent election I am concerned that the newly elected board is headed in a new direction that I cannot support. I also fear they might not be equipped to handle the many complex tasks required of municipal officers. I cannot carry both the workload of first selectman and take on training of two new people with little or no relevant experience in their newly elected roles. That, coupled with the absence of a permanent town clerk, is just too much for me at this point in time.

“I have communicated to the new board that one of the new selectmen will need to take on the role of pantry coordinator so the pantry can continue to serve our citizens, and I have passed along all the information required to keep it going. I did recently apply for a grant for $4,548 which the town received last week. With those funds added to the balance, the pantry account now holds approximately $10,000. I hope that this program I started continues and the funds raised go to good use to help those who need it in our town.

“I have sincerely enjoyed my six years as selectman and would like to thank the townspeople for the opportunity to serve them. I was honored to have served with some of the great selectmen of our town – David (Abbott), Doug (Baston), and Greg (Shute) – as well as the wonderful clerks over the years, Liz (Brown), Lynette (Eastman), and Linda (Verney); Amy (Stockford), our treasurer; and of course the (code enforcement officer) Tom McKenzie. Thanks is also necessary to Fire Chief and Cemetery Trustee Michael Trask, who helped me in many areas as well as carrying out those jobs extremely well.”

Spinney’s email to new selectmen Linda Kristan and Charles Culbertson also announced Stockford’s last day as interim town clerk was Wednesday, April 7. “She has agreed to come to (that night’s selectmen’s) meeting and take the minutes ... Another clerk will need to be appointed or the office will have to close on Thursday (April 8) until a clerk/registrar of voters/tax collector is appointed. Amy will continue as treasurer though, if appointed by the board.”

Stockford explained via text to Wiscasset Newspaper, “My goal with accepting the interim town clerk position was to get us through the election. Now that the election is over, I’m happy to return to treasurer if they want to appoint me to that and continue to help and support Linda and Lynette in the office while we figure out the interim position.” 

Stockford, co-owner of Old Narrow Gauge Farm, added she will be too busy juggling work and this spring’s farming and planting, to continue as interim clerk.

Responding March 31 to Wiscasset Newspaper’s request for comment on Spinney’s statements to the board, Kristan wrote: “I’m sorry to learn that Melissa has decided not to continue in her role on Alna’s selectboard.  Like many in Alna, I am deeply appreciative of the contributions she’s made during her tenure, and her commitment to a seamless transition. I remain committed to carefully studying and listening respectfully to residents on all issues that come before the selectboard.”

Culbertson also responded March 31 to the comment request. He wrote: “Obviously, Melissa’s sudden resignation from the selectboard comes as quite a surprise. Her wealth of experience leaves the board with a big vacuum to fill. We regret Melissa's decision to resign from the selectboard. We thank her for her service to Alna, and are grateful for her pledge to support a smooth transition. As I said during the campaign, I pledge to act with civility, respect, empathy, fairness and transparency as I engage in my responsibilities as a member of the selectboard.”

Earlier March 30, Spinney announced her departure from her involvement with the food pantry and community garden.