A monthly walk in the woods
Join Hidden Valley Nature Center volunteer, Sheryl Bickel, for a monthly walk in the woods at HVNC. The second Tuesday of each month, beginning on September 10, Sheryl will lead visitors on a 1.5-hour walk. This is a great opportunity to become familiar with HVNC’s 25-plus miles of trail, as well as the outstanding natural features like bogs, ponds, streams, cliffs, great views and more. Each month will feature new trails, new features, and hopefully new discoveries.
The extent and the rigor of the walk will vary each month depending on the group’s interest. Everyone is welcome. Well-behaved dogs are welcome, too. This is a great opportunity to introduce a friend to HVNC. So whether you are an HVNC regular, or new to the community consider enjoying the woods and ponds of HVNC with new friends.
If you’re interested in joining Sheryl, please meet her at the 131 Egypt Road entrance just before 10 a.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 10. Plan for a good walk according to the weather, bring any food or water you might want, and come prepared to enjoy a real gem of wilderness right here in mid-coast Maine. This event is free.
Hidden Valley Nature Center is located at 131 Egypt Road in Jefferson. For more information, contact 207-200-8840 or codey@hvnc.org, or visit www.hvnc.org.
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