The Morris Farm launches fund drive
The Morris Farm board of trustees is presenting an opportunity to help finish a very important project. Three years ago the Maine State Fire Marshal's Office (SFMO) mandated a comprehensive fire alarm, and commercial kitchen hood system to bring the farmhouse and barn building up to code.
The building is now fully guarded by a fire alarm system, provided at a discount by Northeast Security Systems; and the commercial kitchen hood and fire suppression project is just underway. This last project will enable the kitchen to once again be used for cooking classes and community meals.
The effort to pay for these changes has been jump-started by a very generous, anonymous, $10,000 donation, offered as a challenge for others to do their part. To match that amount or chip in whatever you can, please mail a check to P.O. Box 152, Wiscasset, ME 04578 or contact the Morris Farm website,, and click on "support morris" to donate electronically.
The board of directors invites the greater Morris Farm community to participate so they can return their full attention to their mission: "To promote the values of sustainable agriculture and stewardship of the earth through education, demonstration and community involvement, while enhancing food security for all Lincoln County residents."
The board and many dedicated volunteers have dug deep, literally and figuratively, to keep the farm thriving, and hope that you will join them. Please dig deep and support your farm.
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