Fall 2015
Pumpkin Derby a sunny success
Event is part of Damariscotta Pumpkinfest & Regatta
Sun, 10/11/2015 - 5:15pm
Some of the youngest entrants in the 2015 Pumpkin Derby at Damariscotta Pumpkinfest and Regatta on Oct. 11 react to their carts’ performance. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Pumpkin Derby entries were small in size but big on panache. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Pumpkin Derby volunteer Beth Morris of Nobleboro speaks with entrant Helen Rice, 5, of Walpole. Rice’s mother Susan Rice looks on. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Some of the youngest entrants in the 2015 Pumpkin Derby at Damariscotta Pumpkinfest and Regatta on Oct. 11 react to their carts’ performance. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Pumpkin Derby entries were small in size but big on panache. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Pumpkin Derby volunteer Beth Morris of Nobleboro speaks with entrant Helen Rice, 5, of Walpole. Rice’s mother Susan Rice looks on. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
A large crowd meant large, repeated cheers going up in the vicinity of Damariscotta’s Elm Street on Sunday morning, Oct. 11 for heat after heat of the Pumpkin Derby.
The third annual event, part of the Damariscotta Pumpkinfest & Regatta, had light moments when alleged overweight pumpkin entries were smashed by smiling officials; and exciting ones as entrants progressed to semi-final and final rounds.
In results provided by event volunteer Beth Morris, Amelia Rice won the youth category; Chris and Dylan Hooper, the teen category; and Peter McKinley was both the winning adult and overall champ.
A brief video provides a sampling of the action; see more photos from the derby and other Pumpkinfest events in our photo gallery.
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