Recreational marijuana store gets nod

Woolwich could eventually have two businesses less than a mile apart on Route 1 selling recreational marijuana. Following a public hearing with no comments in support or opposition Tuesday night, Sept. 7, the select board unanimously granted conditional approval to Jan Martin, owner of Highly Cannaco Retail Marijuana. The business will be at Woolwich Common plaza in the former home of Holistic Alternatives.
Last April, the board approved a change of use application filed by Farley’s Cannabis Farm, also on Route 1 allowing a switch from selling medical to recreational marijuana products. Local approval is required as part of the state licensing process. The town’s marijuana ordinance limits the number of retail establishments selling recreational marijuana to three. Applicants must pay the town an application fee of $1,000 and pay $250 annually to renew the license.
“The renewal fee is something we may consider raising because it’s really pretty low compared to what other communities are charging,” Board Chairman David King Sr. told Wiscasset Newspaper. “We intend to hold public hearings (on marijuana businesses) every year; the same way we would for new business with a liquor license.”
John Hentz of Georgetown, Woolwich’s shellfish warden for the past 21 years, announced he is retiring in early April 2022. Hentz told the board he’s enjoyed serving the town but it is time to move on. He recommended the town begin advertising the job as soon as possible and suggested the town consider hiring a retired police officer. “During the next several months, I will continue with the job awaiting a replacement to step in for me to train,” he wrote in a letter to the board. The board thanked him for his dedicated service to the town.
Nomination papers for a three-year term on the board and a three-year term for road commissioner were due Sept. 3. Town Clerk Anthony Blasi reported, incumbent King is running unopposed for another term on the board, while Jack Shaw is unopposed for another term as road commissioner. Woolwich holds its election of town officers Tuesday, Nov. 2.
Woolwich Historical Society is moving ahead with plans to host its annual recognition dinner Saturday, Sept. 18. This year’s event to be held at Taste of Maine Restaurant will honor Pat and Patsy Hennin, founders of Shelter Institute on Route 1. The event starts with a silent auction and social hour at 5 p.m. followed by a buffet dinner at 6 and awards presentation. Tickets are $35 each in advance; RSVP no later than Monday, Sept. 13. For more information or to buy tickets, call 443-3932.
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