Residents to tour Wiscasset schools ahead of consolidation vote
The two Wiscasset schools that could drop to one next year will be the focus of tours and a discussion November 13, ahead of a December 9 vote over plans to close Wiscasset Primary School. The school’s principal Mona Schlein described it as an informational session intended to help the school community and all residents make the best decisions possible going forward.
The announcement Schlein provided for the event is titled, “Which school would you choose.” But in a telephone interview Tuesday, Schlein said the event will not argue for either the primary school or Wiscasset Middle School to stay open, but will be a chance for people to ask questions and replace misconceptions with facts about each building.
Interim Superintendent of Schools Lyford Beverage and School Committee Chairman Steve Smith said neither they nor the committee set up the session, but they said they support it being held.
“I’m a believer in information and in people accessing information,” Beverage said Tuesday. “Too often in these situations, we go to our corners with what we do know, and that’s not always enough.”
Smith, interviewed separately, said he first heard about the session Monday. He would have liked to have been involved in the planning, only because then it could have been scheduled on a date he could attend. He will not be able to be there, he said.
As with Schlein, Wiscasset Middle School Principal Bruce Scally has no intention of letting the session become a soapbox for saving one school over another. “In fact if there are hues and cries ... then I would want to steer the discussion in another direction,” he said Tuesday.
Plans call for the event to start at 3 p.m. with a tour of the middle school; then participants move on to the primary school. Child care is being provided, with a drop off time of 2:45 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the primary school.
Schlein said she wanted to hold the session before the town’s public hearing on the referendum, so that people can be informed going into it. The hearing is part of the required process for the referendum. Selectmen on Tuesday set the hearing for 6 p.m. November 20 at Wiscasset Middle School.
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