River Arts: Conversation about creativity

Tue, 09/19/2023 - 11:00am

River Arts in Damariscotta will host a gathering for anyone interested in sharing creative experiences. Opening up the conversation is River Arts’ member, William Anthony, artist, writer and professor. This free event will take place on Thursday, Sept. 28 from 3:30 to 5 p.m.

Published in 2022, William Anthony’s novel, Farnsy, is the story of a young patrolman in Damariscotta which delves into solving a curious mystery, the mysteries of love, and a real community. Anthony will read 1-2 short excerpts from Farnsy, and jump start the conversation with some personal musings on the creative impulse and some queries about inspiration, the challenges of distractions, perfectionism, and procrastination.

Anthony studied at Colby College and has a PhD is in German literature. He taught German language and literature at Northwestern and led Northwestern’s Study Abroad Office. Locally, he’s part of a small group of German-speakers, who gather every few weeks to sip coffee and speak German. Anthony wrote a column for the Lincoln County News called “Midcoast Boater’s Journal.”

This gathering is open to anyone interested in discussing and sharing their own creative experiences and challenges, regardless the medium: painters, sculptors, quilters, weavers, actors, playwrights, boat builders, furniture makers, potters, jewelers, story tellers, musicians, chefs, whittlers ... and writers!

Refreshments will be provided, and guests are invited to bring their own thoughts on the matters of creativity, inspiration – and the excuses we come up with not to create.

River Arts is located at 36 Elm Street in Damariscotta. Regular gallery hours are Tuesday-Saturday 10 a.m.-4 p.m. For more information call the gallery at 563-6868.