Save lives - confirm RFK Jr.
Dear Editor:
The Journal of the American Medical Association issued a report last week titled, “Mortality Trends Among Early Adults in the United States, 1999-2023.” It raised a deadly issue. They analyzed 3,392,364 deaths among the full U.S. population aged 25-44 years. They found early adult mortality was 70.0% higher than it should have been, resulting in 71,124 excess deaths. We, as a country, should take a hard and critical look at why this is happening. COVID drove some of these numbers.
The power invested in the WHO, (World Health Organization), the American CDC, the U.S. pharmaceutical industry, and the federal and state government when they partnered to take control during the pandemic was unprecedented. Typically, new drug development, clinical trials, and approval is a tedious and rigorous years-long process. With the outbreak of COVID, the speed of developing, testing, approval, and rollout was breathtaking. The following lockdowns, personal mandates, restrictions on assembly, and coerced vaccinations stripped away several constitutional rights.
New information coming out about the development, testing, and safety from the 450,000 pages released by court order called “The Pfizer Documents,” raises serious concern with the whole process. It documents thousands of life changing side effects including death. There's also the question of why Ivermectin was not used as a treatment in the United States.
A report titled “Ivermectin reduces COVID-19 risk: real time meta-analysis of 105 studies” indicates Ivermectin is an effective anti-COVID treatment. It summarizes 16 studies from 58 independent teams in 27 different countries involving almost a quarter of a million people. The conclusion was “a significantly lower risk is seen for mortality, ventilation, ICU admission, hospitalization, recovery cases, and viral clearance.” Other reports note that, since approved for humans in 1987, it has been used on hundreds of millions, it has an excellent safety profile, it is classified as an essential drug by the WHO, and was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize for drugs in 2015. Why was it “banned” in the United States?
Robert Kennedy Jr. should be confirmed to lead the DHHS to find answers and fix our healthcare system.
Joe Grant