Salt Bay Chamberfest

SBC’s final 30th year season concerts and programs

Tue, 08/13/2024 - 4:15pm

Salt Bay Chamberfest (SBC)’s 30th anniversary season concludes in Damariscotta with an exciting concert featuring the powerhouse pianist Shai Wosner and the East Coast Chamber Orchestra in a special partnership between SBC and Portland Chamber Music Festival (PCMF). Grammy Award-winning violinist Jennifer Koh is also in residence this week. She will be featured together with Wosner in the concert and will also give a solo recital and a master class.

The concert on Friday, Aug. 16 at the Lincoln Theater will present works by Missy Mazzoli, Mozart’s “Piano Quartet No. 1” and Vijay Iyer’s new piano concerto, “Handmade Universe.” Koh and Wosner will be joined by artistic directors: cellist and SBC Artistic Director Wilhelmina Smith and violist and PCMF’s Artistic Director Melissa Reardon.

Jennifer Koh—also Musical America’s 2016 Instrumentalist of the Year—will give her solo violin recital at the Strand Theatre in Rockland on Thursday, Aug. 15 at 5 p.m. Koh will put on a free master class with local Maine musicians at noon on Saturday, Aug. 17 at Skidompha Public Library, Main Street, Damariscotta.

More information and tickets can be found at