Second annual Run with the Alewives 5K and 10K races May 28
Welcome to the Alewife Run in Damariscotta Mills. Whether you’re a fan of the alewife migration, a supporter of the Fish Ladder Restoration or just want to run near these amazing anadromous fish in a very scenic and special place, you’re going to enjoy this experience on May 28.
Last year we had over 90 racers take part in the event. From young kids to our honored senior citizens, the runners and walkers took advantage of a beautiful Sunday morning to help raise money for the Fish Ladder. LincolnHealth will once again sponsor this year’s race.
Registration is $35 (+ $5 race day) and includes a race shirt with race packet. There will be “O’Fish-al” Medals for first and second place male and female finishers for both age groups (13-20, 21 and up) and race (5K and 10K). If you're a parent with a child or two, 12 years and under, they may run with you in the race at no extra cost. Run with the Alewives shirts will go to the first 100 paid registrants and a special medal will be presented to the non-registered 12 and under runners.
Gift cards from Mexicali Blues and Renys will be randomly drawn at the start for registered runners. The proceeds from this race go to support Maine's oldest fish ladder and historically one of the largest and most productive alewife runs. For more information on this and the road race, visit The Events and Calendar tab have the link to race registration that includes the course and details for the event. Register early so you can reserve your shirt size preference. See you at the races.
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