Set for Success ‘success’ in Wiscasset

Mon, 08/19/2024 - 8:45am

    Wiscasset Feed Our Scholars is pleased to announce the “success” of our Back-to-School event, Wiscasset Set for Success, held on Aug. 11 at Wiscasset Community Center. “This event would not have been possible without the incredible support and dedication of our community and volunteers,” said Gretchen Burleigh-Johnson, Wiscasset Feed Our Scholars director.

    Now in its sixth year, what started out as a relatively small supply drive for grades Pre-K to five, last year incorporated grades six to eight, and this year expanded to include all students to grade 12. We are proud to share that the event saw an impressive turnout, with over 400 attendees including over 150 students and their families. We distributed essential school supplies to Wiscasset school and home school students, as well as 100 paw print and wolverine logo backpacks. To ensure that all students in our schools are well-prepared for the upcoming school year, Set for Success will be delivering any remaining supplies to the schools to be available to students at the start of the school year. Said Set for Success Volunteer and Wiscasset School Committee member Jodi Hardwick, "Our Set for Success program is committed to leveling the playing field for all children, while also helping to relieve some of the financial burden to parents."

    We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the more than 50 volunteers who generously contributed their time and effort in the days leading up to the event to make this day a success. Your commitment to our students and community is truly inspiring. From moving boxes to setting up tables to distributing supplies, your efforts made a significant impact.

    We also want to thank the local businesses and community members who contributed resources and financial support. From purchasing items on our wish list, to supporting our bake sales and other fundraisers, your generosity helped us provide over $12,000 in essential school supplies. And thanks to the over 20 community partners and organizations who attended the event – including Wiscasset teachers, area hairdressers, and nonprofits like Mid Coast Literacy, Mid Coast Maine Community Action Head Start, Healthy Kids, LincolnHealth and Healthy Lincoln County's Bringing Food Home Van. And to the town of Wiscasset and town services who brought vehicles and personnel from Wiscasset's bus, fire, ambulance and police departments. You all helped to create a welcoming and exciting event for our students as they embark on a new academic year.

    To our students, we wish you a fantastic school year ahead! May this year be filled with learning, growth, and all the pencils you need. Remember, you have a community that believes in you and is here to support you.