Shore and Harbor Planning grants available
The Department of Marine Resources Coastal Program announces the availability of funds for Shore and Harbor Planning grants. Funds are provided through the state's NOAA Coastal Program Grant and the Shore and Harbor Fund managed by the Maine Department of Marine Resources Coastal Program.
Shore and Harbor Planning Grants promote: sound waterfront planning and harbor management, balanced development of shore and harbor areas, planning for waterfront infrastructure improvements, planning for climate resiliency and access to the shore. Funds may be used for development of plans for waterfront facilities and amenities, harbor and mooring plans, waterfront vulnerability assessments and resiliency plans, development of regulatory and non-regulatory approaches to waterfront conservation and improvement, development of planning studies for public and working access, development of plans and designs for harbor improvements, and development of management plans for municipal waterfront facilities.
Project planners are encouraged to consider projects that contribute to multi-town or regional planning and resource management efforts such as addressing shared bay-wide harbor management and use issues, tackling regional comprehensive planning efforts, enhancing efforts to acquire and/or secure public recreational and working access to tidal waters, supporting marine resource management activities, advancing strategic land conservation planning efforts, and contributing to waterfront develop efforts for public access and sustainable eco-tourism.
Note: For this grant round, distribution of awards will place emphasis on coastal waterfront climate resilience with a focus on projects that advance the recommendations identified in Maine Wont Wait: A Four-Year Plan for Climate Action.
Released in December 2020, the Plan identifies the need for communities to be proactive about understanding, planning and acting to reduce their risk from climate change.
Shore and harbor grants are available to municipalities in the States designated coastal zone, which includes all towns with tidal waters, to the head of tide on tidal rivers. Funds will be awarded on a competitive basis, based on the results of a project scoring and selection process. Grants are intended to be issued to municipalities, but other entities and organizations may participate through a partnership with a lead municipality.
Grant requirements and conditions
A match, in cash or in-kind, of 25% of total project cost is required. Projects showing a substantial additional municipal share will improve the competitiveness of the project proposal. The project match can include direct project cost and documented values of in-kind services, including expenditures for the development and preparation of the grant application.
Maine Coastal Program intends to allocate approximately $150,000 in grants. Individual grants may not exceed $30,000. Potential applicants are encouraged to contact Kathleen Leyden, Maine Coastal Program at Kathleen.Leyden@maine.go to discuss project ideas and consistency with the purposes of the Shore and Harbor Grant Program.
Final deadline for proposals will be May 3, 2021, 5 p.m.
For more information, please visit
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